Auxiliary Cruisers War Badge -First Type Auxiliary Cruisers War Badge -First Type Auxiliary Cruisers War Badge -First Type Auxiliary Cruisers War Badge -First Type Auxiliary Cruisers War Badge -First Type

Auxiliary Cruisers War Badge -First Type

Introduced in April 1941 to recognise the armed merchantmen who were so successful in harassing Allied shipping, this badge consists of a wreath of oak leaves secured by a tie at the base and surmounted by an eagle and swastica. Central to the wreath is a globe showing Western Europe and part of the USA above which is a Viking ship under full sail. Criteria for the award were to have participated in a long voyage,for outstanding leadership or to have been wounded on a long voyage.
In excellent condition with full gilding to oak wreath leaf and Viking ship, all grey finish present to globe. Vertical pin operating correctly.
Priced as a reproduction.

Code: 50816
