Third Reich Photograph Album to include Third Reich Photograph Album to include Third Reich Photograph Album to include Third Reich Photograph Album to include Third Reich Photograph Album to include

Third Reich Photograph Album to include "Dr Robert Ley" Cruise Ship

An interesting family album of photographs commencing with a family holiday to Switzerland in the 1932 and concluding with wedding groups of Officers with uniforms, swords etc.
What raises this album above the norm is the inclusion of photos taken from, and onboard, the Dr Robert Ley, a ship launched to prove to the German workers the truth behind the KFD organisation, who considered that:
"The purpose of the ‘Kraft durch Freude’ organisation is to show the less fortunate the wonders and beauties of their nation. It opens opportunities to the people that formerly were reserved for the well-to-do."
Launched in 1938 and handed over to the DAF organisation on March 24th 1939 to offer cruise ship sailing to the masses, she served in this role for a mere two months before being used for transporting soldiers back from Spain following the Spanish Civil War, and by August of 1939 she was re commissioned as a hospital ship to serve the Wehrmacht.
The photos included in this album can therefore be accurately dated to April or May 1939, and considering this short time "Robert Ley" spent in service, must be considered somewhat rare.

Code: 50840

110.00 GBP