Railway Water Protection Police Dagger-Eickhorn. Railway Water Protection Police Dagger-Eickhorn. Railway Water Protection Police Dagger-Eickhorn. Railway Water Protection Police Dagger-Eickhorn. Railway Water Protection Police Dagger-Eickhorn.

Railway Water Protection Police Dagger-Eickhorn.

From one of the best collections in the UK comes one of the rarest of the standard production daggers, not found in even the most advanced collections world wide.
Raised, sun wheel domed pommel has no hits to the periphery, whilst the black trolon grip is perfect having no chips and remains shiny without even grime between the spiral segments. Army style pommel is the fourth variant used by Eickhorn and is in superb condition having outstanding details to the wing and breast feathering and with all the pebbled background remaining to the swastica depiction within the wreath. Wrapped about the crossguard is a silver and black portepee in the correct tie.
Bright blade retains all its crossgrain, having no damage to tip or edges. The Eickhorn 35-41 trademark is prominent beneath the reverse langet.
Scabbard has prominent pebbling to the panels and the unique scabbard bands associated with this model dagger. It has no damage of any kind. Surface patina is identical throughout this piece.
Accompanying the dagger is a set of straps having army dagger hardware with pebbled push-in lower fittings, and black and silver tress straps. A broad black leather belt loop with pebbled spring clip is included. The leather leather is stamped “Berlin 41” to the reverse.
These daggers are incredibly difficult to acquire in any condition, and to find a near mint example like this, nearly impossible.
Please contact us for more information and for pricing.

Code: 53453
