WW2 Sighting Telescope WW2 Sighting Telescope WW2 Sighting Telescope WW2 Sighting Telescope WW2 Sighting Telescope

WW2 Sighting Telescope

Listed as being for use on 17 pdr anti tank guns, this telescope is in its original transport cardboard box and is dated 1943.
The Ordnance Quick-Firing 17-pounder (or just 17-pdr) was a 76.2 mm (3 inch) gun developed by the United Kingdom during World War II. It was used as an anti-tank gun on its own carriage, as well as equipping a number of British tanks. Used with the APDS shot, it was capable of defeating all but the thickest armour on German tanks. It was used to 'up-gun' some foreign-built vehicles in British service, notably to produce the Sherman Firefly variant of the US M4 Sherman tank, giving British tank units the ability to hold their own against their German counterparts. In the anti-tank role, it was replaced after the war by the 120 mm BAT recoilless rifle. As a tank gun, it was succeeded by the 84 mm 20 pounder.

Code: 52881

165.00 GBP